Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Review of new yr resolution

I was just looking at my new yr resolution..Seems like a bit early for end of yr review but heck it.. cos I completed them liao! Haha I only made 2 - change job and run marathon. So I can say both are accomplished!!! =) I thought I made a lot of resolutions.. Hmmmm... well but only 2 was written down i guess.

So yah congrats to me again! Wahaha.. Although I think the target is set too lowly..

Next yr shd set more resolutions! Maybe getting a gf! Wahaha.. that day my colleague was asking whether I got gf or not.. and abt viet and china brides cos one of them closing to 40 and still not married! I hope I would not be like him. *pray hard*

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