Sunday, December 30, 2007

New Year Resolution

It is the time of the year to make some resolution for next yr!

1. To learn cooking! Real cooking as in a decent meal with curry chicken! Haha cos my favorite so must learn! This pt1 is something I really wish I can achieve! GO GO GO!

2. Complete a marathon under 5hrs. This one I think it is hard to accomplish. Must motivate myself and find time to train for longer distance. Not like this yr longest distance I trained for is only FIVE km.

3. Get life partner! Haha yeah hopefully? Cos not young anymore. But this one is even harder than the pt2. *pray hard hard*

4. Learn guitar. This one I must go and get the dummy series: guitar for dummy. This shd be able to be done, provided I am motivated enough. Haha a friend lent me a guitar but it is still lying there after a month, collecting dust!!

Last yr I set 2 resolution for this year.. so this yr I set more la! Hopefully next yr I can proudly say that I have reached all my targets!

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