Sunday, December 30, 2007

Lesson learnt

Hard work + effort cannot guarantee success!

No Matter

No Matter by Angel

Doesn't matter whom you are with
Doesn't matter where you are going
Don't you know I'm still waiting here for you
And pray for you

In the sunny days, sun will light your day
In the windy days, wind will lead your way
I have to say you're my treasure moments
Never gonna walk away

In the rainy days, rains will share my tears
In the stormy days, storms will steal my pain
Just go your way and leave things all behind
Spread your wings and fly away

I'm pretending you're mine
And wishing you'll be fine
The moments we share never die
You make a difference to my life
And let me realize
The feeling I've got...
Deep inside

New Year Resolution

It is the time of the year to make some resolution for next yr!

1. To learn cooking! Real cooking as in a decent meal with curry chicken! Haha cos my favorite so must learn! This pt1 is something I really wish I can achieve! GO GO GO!

2. Complete a marathon under 5hrs. This one I think it is hard to accomplish. Must motivate myself and find time to train for longer distance. Not like this yr longest distance I trained for is only FIVE km.

3. Get life partner! Haha yeah hopefully? Cos not young anymore. But this one is even harder than the pt2. *pray hard hard*

4. Learn guitar. This one I must go and get the dummy series: guitar for dummy. This shd be able to be done, provided I am motivated enough. Haha a friend lent me a guitar but it is still lying there after a month, collecting dust!!

Last yr I set 2 resolution for this year.. so this yr I set more la! Hopefully next yr I can proudly say that I have reached all my targets!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Somewhere Out There

An American Tail - Somewhere Out There

Somewhere out there,
Beneath the pale blue night,
Someone’s thinking of me,
And loving me tonight.
Somewhere out there,
Someone’s saying a prayer,
Then we’ll find one another,
In that big somewhere out there.

And even though I know how very far apart we are,
It helps to think we might be wishing
On the same bright star,
And when the night will start to sing
A lonesome lullaby,
It helps to think we’re sleeping underneath the
Same big sky.

Somewhere out there,
If love can see us through,
Then, we’ll be together,
Somewhere out there, out where dreams, come true.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

bad habit

I just noticed that I have a bad habit or rather reaction when I am pissed off with a person. I will not go head on but rather ignore and turn cold towards the person. But I think this is much more detrimental! I dislike myself for being so.

Aiyah I don't know what is wrong with me. Just felt pissed with everything. Everything seems so superficial. Tired. Maybe cos of the holidays season? Might be.

Eason Chan - Lonely Christmas

Monday, December 10, 2007

Kokster again~

Wah lao.. ytd kok up again! Took the wrong bus at tanglin CC AGAIN. The first time was in NUS. Was supposed to take 190.. but nv c properly.. only c tibs bus coming w many ppl then I boarded. Dunno what was I thinking.. really.. that make me taking the bus w/o looking clearly... Haiz. *troubled*

Anyway today went for my fren wedding dinner! Haha didnt get to talk much w him. ut I am glad to meet up w the rest of the gang! Haha long time since we met up... w pl quitting and ppl overseas training. And yes CONGRATS to CK for finding the one to walk the rest of his life! *envy*

Just a few days ago was looking at another fren ROM ceremony photos, showing her day of preparations and vows. She looked so different! But the photos are really great.. Can see the happiness in the photos, those journalist type photography.. so the real happenings and not those posed pics!! Love the photos.. Haha maybe I put in too much feelings! But it really tempts me to get married too! Hahaha... Mad!

Ha next sunday another wedding dinner! *faints* Haha I think I will turn greenish soon?

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

丑得漂亮 (肥田喜事)

Full Version

Short Version (load faster =p)


演唱:胡杏儿 许志安


Watching 肥田喜事 recently and find the song and lyrics are nice!! Meaningful!

Review of new yr resolution

I was just looking at my new yr resolution..Seems like a bit early for end of yr review but heck it.. cos I completed them liao! Haha I only made 2 - change job and run marathon. So I can say both are accomplished!!! =) I thought I made a lot of resolutions.. Hmmmm... well but only 2 was written down i guess.

So yah congrats to me again! Wahaha.. Although I think the target is set too lowly..

Next yr shd set more resolutions! Maybe getting a gf! Wahaha.. that day my colleague was asking whether I got gf or not.. and abt viet and china brides cos one of them closing to 40 and still not married! I hope I would not be like him. *pray hard*

Monday, December 03, 2007

Marathon Timing

TIME: 6h:4m:8s (gun) / 5h:55m:27s (net)

Result in Entire Field - 6166th place
3538 finishers behind. About 64% of finishers ahead.

Result in Gender (Male) - 5433rd place
2965 finishers behind. About 65% of finishers ahead.

Result in Division (M2529) - 1014th place
708 finishers behind. About 59% of finishers ahead.

Average Km 8 min 25 sec
Average Mile 13 min 33sec

YOUR SPEED Averge Speed 7.1Kph
Averge Speed 4.4Mph

Who's who
Of the 9704 who finished, 13% were female and 87% were male.

Opposite Sex
For the record, you were ahead of about 44% of female finishers.

Even though it met my initial target of under 6hrs.. But still a bit disappointed cos I was secretly hoping to clock under 5:30. And from the ranking, it is pretty lousy! Haha all problems started with comparison with others. The feeling of having one over the others. But then again with the effort I put in, I guess I cannot ask for more. =p


Just realized when I was looking at my nick... it is so contradicting!

"Dont Let Things Happen, Make Them Happen"
"活得自在如水 - 见方就方, 是圆随缘."

Sunday, December 02, 2007


YUP COMPLETED THE MARATHON which I set for my new yr resolution!!!

Terrible. I was walking for the last 12km, all the way. After 20km, the feeling of muscle cramp was appearing. Managed to put it off with the deep heat till 30km, after which no more effect. So ended up walking the rest. *think tmrw wake up will have problem walking*

IF I am running the next yr, must train up to AT LEAST 21km and not like this time round 5km! But then again that is a BIG BIG IF...

Anyway I completed!! *PAT PAT* WELL DONE! =p