Friday, April 07, 2006

Siao on!

Hmmm actually nothing much to blog abt.. BUT decide to blog something MEANINGFUL MORE REGULARLY and not LIKE ONCE IN A MTH...

Today went BEDOK to play soccer! |||
Haha and my fren was sayin first time went so far to kick soccer so he gg to blog it.
Today was raining lor.. sianz. By 6 no more rain but oso no ppl. BUT they are determined to play soccer so decided to go src.

"WOW got ppl playing! Maybe we can join them!"

When we changed and reached there, the group of ppl has stopped and was taking off their shoes. =( BUT nv give up! zj say his rava4 club members are playin in bedok at 8pm. And off we went... travel from sky bright to sky dark... super far...

The uncles were not bad. But i think sw fm zj phang and of course me too strong combin! HAHA.. i think this will be our first and last time playing with them. =p

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