Thursday, April 27, 2006

Taiwan's Hitch!

Will it work? =p

More Crazy Thoughts??

Why the sun lightens our hair, but darkens our skin?

Why women can't put on mascara with their mouth closed?

Why don't you ever see the headline "Psychic Wins Lottery"?

Why is "abbreviated" such a long word?

Why is it that doctors call what they do "practice"?

Why is it that to stop Windows 98, you have to click on "Start"?

Why is lemon juice made with artificial flavor, and dishwashing liquid made with real lemons?

Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called rush hour?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?

When dog food is new and improved tasting, who tests it?

Why didn't Noah swat those two mosquitoes?

Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

You know that indestructible black box that is used on airplanes? Why don't they make the whole plane out of that stuff?!

Why don't sheep shrink when it rains?

Why are they called apartments when they are all stuck together?

If con is the opposite of pro, is Congress the opposite of progress?

If flying is so safe, why do they call the airport the terminal?

Thursday, April 20, 2006

what is 翘脚 in english?

Hmmm a week plus nv blogged. Sianz today waited 25minutes for the bus lor!!! Waited from 1040 to 1105 then got the bus home. ||| reached home aredi 1145. Get up the bus so many ppl, end up sitting beside an uncle who is 翘脚 (What's the word for it in english?). He took off his slippers some more! So i tried sitting a bit outside. then i look at my side... To my horror the uncle behind also 翘脚! I can see his feet just beside! ..........

Haiz the spread spectrum first part is really buang. The latest past year paper was dated year 2000. And the paper syllabus was like very different then. No samples and no idea what the lec teaching == buang! Like my friend says... must chong 2nd part liao lor! Should have posted negative feedback for the first lecturer!! Haiz and this module need write helpsheet some more... The first part notes are urghhhh..

OK look on bright side.. today 19th means 10 more days and I am done! =)

Oh yah ytd went watch a play - Fundoshi! First time! Haha...
Well the first story was nice! The 2 servants were funny lor! Like the way they talked and their inner thoughts. It is sort of like self fulfilling prophercy. They don't like each other so whatever one do, the other will find it irritating. Reminds me of a story I heard.


There was this guy who did not like his work. His friend advised," Since you don't like this job, why don't you just stay for like a year and learn all the stuff. Then with the skills, you can find a better job. Also, when you leave the company, they will regret not treating you better!" So this guy went on with his work. Remembering his friend advice, he began to take his work seriously and volunteered for tasks.

The manager and colleagues saw his willingness to learn and his positive attiude taught him the rope. He was well-liked by his boss and colleagues. Soon he got his promotion. Very soon a year passed. He met up with his friend again.

"So are you quiting soon?"

"No no no... my colleagues there are great and the boss appreciates my work!"

"Well I guessed as much when I gave you the advice. You see with the change in attitude, people will change theirs also."


Haha I think the story is some what there... I am not good at remembering the details. Basically I think the main point is if we adopt a postive atittude, the people around will reciprocate? Hmmm like getting out of point. Well...

This song title caught my attention...

By: 深白色二人组








Tuesday, April 11, 2006

FYP no more!

Yeah today done w presenting my fyp!!! Finally after looking at it for A YEAR! OKok slightly less than a yr. Was asked what grade should i get. Ha i replied a-.

"So u think u dun deserve to get a?"


I think A need to do much more stuff for the proj! a- is enough! lol. Feel quite relaxed after the fyp. Haha but still got exams coming.. This sem still haven reach the exam mood yet. Must be the fp and the uncompleted lab report still and LAST SEM MOOD! ha~

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Mystery solved!!!

WA i know y my bear clock is not accurate liao!!!
It follows the time on computer. For example, when i open the page, the clock will display the time of my comp. if u open the page, the time will be that of ur comp! Haha.. all thanx to lala! lol we learn something new everyday huh?

HAHA... and the prob is with my comp clock! =faint
BUt hmmm quite interesting.. the clock will display the time of ur comp.

Yup 2 links to 2 very nice story.. Haha i juz finished reread the irish coffee.
Warning first.. take ard 20-30minutes. The second link story is even longer!! I read b4 but forgot the exact story liao.. I shall read in some other days!



Friday, April 07, 2006

Siao on!

Hmmm actually nothing much to blog abt.. BUT decide to blog something MEANINGFUL MORE REGULARLY and not LIKE ONCE IN A MTH...

Today went BEDOK to play soccer! |||
Haha and my fren was sayin first time went so far to kick soccer so he gg to blog it.
Today was raining lor.. sianz. By 6 no more rain but oso no ppl. BUT they are determined to play soccer so decided to go src.

"WOW got ppl playing! Maybe we can join them!"

When we changed and reached there, the group of ppl has stopped and was taking off their shoes. =( BUT nv give up! zj say his rava4 club members are playin in bedok at 8pm. And off we went... travel from sky bright to sky dark... super far...

The uncles were not bad. But i think sw fm zj phang and of course me too strong combin! HAHA.. i think this will be our first and last time playing with them. =p

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


Long time no post! Let me c wat I bz with....

Firstly was super bz with the fyp. Yah finally done and submitted last Thursday. BUT... still got the presentation to go.. hmmm next Monday! Wed gg to present to sup first but no slides done yet. Tmrw shall chopchop finish it.

Yah next went for 2nd rd psa interview on last Fri. Haha surprise surprise still got chance for 2nd round... lol. NO expectations. Haha. ;p

Today or rather ytd had listening compre and oral. Hmmm oral passed. Yeah super happy cos I think I have no flair for languages. Was mugging and talking to myself siapa.., keluarga saya ada bapa, ibu..., etc the whole Sunday and Monday morning. Super glad I passed but I think till the end std quite slack. So fortunate bah. Hmmm the first few persons who took the oral a bit suay lor.

Wat's next? Still have the design lab and the report. Also the matlab simulation and report... Hmmm seems like nv ending tasks ahead. Must finished by NEXT TUE. Then can prepare for exam. Remembered I posted somewhere 10 more wks to go... NOW IS FOUR more to go!!!! YEAH! HAHA... super long post by my std!!

Oh yah I had another clock at the bottom left! This one the time is more correct. lol =)


Hmmmm haha ok should post the ans to the prev Qns... just for completeness... =)

c)egg yolk is yellow

A 比 C 低
or A is aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa(hokkien)
