Sunday, April 06, 2008


Read this post from 董素华 blog post.
She is the newscaster for Channel U 11pm news if I am not wrong and also for 《财经追击》.

I am totally for the proposition that everyone should knock off on time!
There are 10 reasons why one should knock off on time.
1/ To make one more efficient.
2/ To educate one's boss that quality of work is no correlation to OT time.
3/ To be an example to one's subordinates.
4/ To know one's priority in life and change your old mindset.
5/ To be at the front of the society. The society is moving towards efficiency rather than quantity of time spent.
6/ When occasional OT, it will be more interesting rather than a chore.
7/ Not to let one caught in the viscous cycle of never ending work.
8/ To learn a new skill or hobby
9/ To make one more healthier with a balanced lifestyle.
10/ To let one have more opportunity to interact ,and show care and concern for your loved ones.
However, as stated in her article, it doesn't really apply in Asian context.

Her full article at here.

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