Sunday, November 18, 2007


看似畫筆的樹梢 把天塗成藍色調
莫非用眼淚做顏料 畫一道彩虹會更好
看那朵雲 像不像白色羽毛 堆砌在空中 捨不得飄
我好想他 於是我原地旋繞 讓他有空時瞧一瞧

風兒握住的樹梢 天空是思念紙條
為我塗滿我的微笑 想要問候他好不好
看那朵雲 是我想飛的羽毛 堆砌在空中 放慢地飄
我好想他 於是我將心纏繞 靜靜地守候著人潮

I like the first 2 lines.. think that they are quite 诗情画意。
From xiaohan's blog, this is what she saw.



Maybe it is raining day, that's why more 感性。
But then Malay wedding below blasting loud music.. Haha..

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