Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Disgusted w myself

There are many things which I wanted to blog about when it happened. But when I came home, the mood and feeling is gone..

Anyway, always see ppl rushing for seats in train. It seems whoever is faster have the rights to the seat. Sometimes when I watching the show, it seemd quite funny. Haha.. But then today the stupid train was filled with ppl. I decided to wait for the next one. But the next train was the newer model with larger seats! This also means there are less seats! Btw, I totally HATE it when i am standing behind the yelloe line (which allows space for ppl to alight), another person come just in and stand in front of me! WTF!!! I grown up w glass meh? Anyway the crux of all these is the guy stood infront and get into the train first.. he was taking his own sweet time and deciding which seats to take!! KNS! There I were trying to scramble for a seat! I think I reach the seat abt same time as another man. But I have no intention of giving up so just heck care proceed on to sit down! Wow first time felt a bti disgusted with myself after I got the seat... Haiz.. changed..

Anyway a woman who seems pregnant comes in after a few stops.. so I gave up the seat. Haha maybe to redeem myself from the gulity feeling. Anyway after a few more stops, the guy who was sitting beside me alight so I took over and sit down again. Yah another 2 pts.. Wa lao since he is gg to alight soon, WHY CANT he give up the seat? I really cannot get the logic man! o.0 And I really cannot differentiate whether a woman is pregnant or not.. Sometimes it is so ambiguous!! Haha to give up my seat or not? What if she is just bloated or fat?

Yah another update.. 2 more colleagues got job offer liao.. So they are resigning also.. Just a matter of when to give the letter to boss. Wa lao.. that means left me and HD. But HD going interview this wed! ||| As for the rest EB L V, I think they are not so fast bah.. They seems in comfort zone! Shucks I am one of the 5 active ones yet I haven gone for any interviews! Decided to actively apply for engineering jobs liao! Hope this will help me to get a job fast! If my job gg to be engineering, I think I will return to sch next yr! Haha must reg b4 3th Sep for next sem!

And lastly to wrap things up, I am beginning to enjoy tennis more and more! Love the game! It is so interesting and fun! Must practise more to improve so as to rally w partner effortlessly!! So gambatte to myself!!

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