Wednesday, April 25, 2007


My friend is gg medical check-up this Friday! He found a new job! Happy for him and at the same time filled with envy!! Finally he got a job he wanted and can leave this place! With him confirming soon, it means 2 out of 15 are on the way out! Congrats guys! And to the other 2 actively interviewing.. good luck! And to myself.. Must not lost out to them! Gambatte to myself in my search!!!

Oh yah my boss just send out an email telling us the company is hiring again. So if we have any friends who are interested can send him their resume. How ironic! Haha..

Yah sick now! shucks so sianz.. Shd take MC but then again if got interviews then I take MC again.. It seems strange to take so many Mcs. So I guess better leave my MC for better use! =p

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