Sunday, December 31, 2006


The next new year resolution is to get a new job. I have been thinking about what I should do next.. HEADACHE ARGH!

1. I MUST CHANGE JOB! But change job or switch field altogether? Engineering or others?

2. Actually I quite like to find out more on how to test a device, the scan, BIST, PLL, ADC, DAC... Seem quite interesting even though microelectronics was nv my forte or fav topic.

3. BUT then engineering pay is ...

4. Should I try finance? But I just went to try apply. The "competency qn" section left me o.0

-Teamworking: Can you describe a time when you had to adapt your style to suit different members of a team. what was the situation, what did you do and what was the outcome ? (250 words max)
-Motivation and Drive: Can you describe an example of where you set a challenging goal and learnt something new. what prompted this, what was challenging about it and what was the result ? (250 words max)
-Commercial Edge: Can you tell us what you think the key issues facing XYZ are at present and what some of the opportunities to the organisation are ? (250 words max)
-Business Fit: Can you explain why you are applying to XYZ and why you have chosen this particular graduate programme e.g. Finance, Retail, Banking etc? (250 words max)
-Information: Please use this section to provide us with any evidence you think will support your application further. You may wish to include evidence of leadership roles, positions of responsibility or any achievements you have not already had the chance to mention previously in this application form. (250 words max)

5. I really do not like and do not know how to answer such qns... the last time I answer such qn in a group interview, I totally flunk it.

6. Am I blindly following the finance craze?


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