Tuesday, December 19, 2006


This is a late post...

On Sat, I went down to collect the free PC from Starhub with my dad at some ulu place ( not really ulu.. west coast there.. after RV). We managed to get there by bus. Then got 2 big boxes to carry!! Then it seemed we walking in wrong direction. My dad went to ask a young man which way to go out. (He also collecting PC.)

He asked where are we going and he volunteered to send us home if on the way!!

But too bad, out of the way since he going Redhill. Nevertheless, he ask for nearest MRT and decided to send us to JE MRT. But super paiseh lor, he made a wrong turn and had to make a huge detour to send us to JE.

Anyway, just to say, his actions really made my Sat morning!!

It really brightens up my day! THANKS!

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