Sunday, May 31, 2009

2nd Sundown Marathon 30th May 2359

Yup went to my 2nd Sundown marathon (my 3rd marathon overall) despite some hesitations. Haha I was thinking whether not to go as just back from Korea on 29th night. But I am glad that I went in the end!

Although I never ran for the past 3 weeks ( sick and holiday), I still managed to complete the run. And i think the timing is better than my previous 2 runs (5hr 35mins, to be confirmed when timing is out on Mon)!

Saw a long-time-nv-c sec sch fren there too! Amazed that she is thinking to do the New York Marathon next year! Pei fu! But she is good! first time marathon and she came in same timing as me! The training she put in really counts! Admired her determination to train continuously and consistently! *clap*

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