Thursday, July 31, 2008


Long time no blog liao.. Just feel super pissed off! So pardon my language..

Dun show ur temper at me lor! Only u have temper meh!
What the f? U fr D then big F meh? U ask for things then try to assist in every way..
Now my fault that it is not signed over? Passed u the form to let S sign..
I nv ask u to plan for me! Haha so funny it seems that we are planning for u most of the time!
Earn so much $ then just tok kok lor.. So wat u good fren w my boss? I dun give a damn ok?
I junior can bully.. can makan rite? If I stay long enough to work w u on projects.. I wun give face one lor! NO means NO! Users ask..U promise.. then end up we do the shit... Heng my boss good fren w u.. Count urself lucky.. NVM we take back the items lor.. No big deal! Just rem that no helping of each other liao.. it is all crap! F OFF!

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