Monday, June 16, 2008


Just 心血来潮 to do some updates..

1/ Just back from SW wedding! Everytime after gg wedding dinner, makes me so envy! The couples looked so happy and blissful! WAH tots to when will it be my turn! haha.. Was speaking to my other colleague who is older than me.. I think I do feel a bit of stress now.. seeing so many of my close friends got married or going to get married this year or next year. His advice was not very encouraging.. " After this period of stress, then you wun feel it liao.. cos already gave up." |||

2/ I signed up for Salsa! In fact, I went for 2 lessons liao. But my hands-feet coordination got BIG problem. Rem hands movement, then will forget to move the legs. Plus I think my movements are too stiff! And the dance is supposed to be lead by the guy? omg... Just heck care and go have fun! As long dun step on the ladies feet.. lol

3/ Completed the 2nd marathon but didnt meet my target of under 5hrs. SIANZ. a small consolation.. timing improved by 5mins? lol... There is still one more chance at year end! So BUCK UP! Discipline! In fact, there is another 15km run which I also failed to meet my target of under 1.5hrs. Disappointed man..

4/ I am catching this show " 溏心风暴"! Those typical rich family internal feuds... But there is this character who I like very much - 常在心! (钟嘉欣: the one in centre!) She is those subborn girl or very direct and full of principle person! Saw her act in 皆大欢喜时装版, 人生马戏团,我外母唔系人 and 法政先锋Ⅱ. But nv really pay any attention to her .. But this show.. maybe more 各性 role so more outstanding! Plus she is pretty!!!!! ^^

Excerpt from website on 常在心: "性格:性格倔强,是个说一不二的人,甚有个性,外人眼里可能是一个好钱如命,十分吝啬的古怪女子,其实家家有本难谂的经,心实是一个对家庭有担戴的女子, 家中有个惹事生非的大佬,令心的重担百上加斤,心仍然表现坚强,每每忍气吞声,为家人解难。但其实心底里亦十分脆弱,渴望别人照顾,是一个外刚内柔的女 子。"

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