Sunday, July 22, 2007


2 firemen went into the forest to put out a fire. Both come to a stream. one of them the face is black and dirty while the other one is clean. Who will clean his face?

Interesting part from the book I am reading now.. What is your ans?
The guy in the story replied the one with the clean face.. cos he looked at his companion with the dirty face and will assumed that his own face is dirty... and vice versa.

Yup signed up for the SBR this Aug.. wah left 1 mth! I think must motivate myself to train hard! so long nv go joging regularly liao! Haha ok at least on my way to my new yr resolution! BUT the other one abt changing job still .........

Maybe due to rainy days.. Sometimes I wonder is it because I can be alone too well...

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