Wednesday, March 21, 2007



Still slacking in the same company! Haha 3mths since my new year resolution!
And aim to run marathon is also not heading anywhere!

Anyway, today make 3 calls!

1/ to kah! He started work but think he is gg to quit after 3days at work.
Well he said nto his type of job in mind. IF it was me, I would continue to work and look for job bah.. haha just like what I am doing now. BUt then seems not effective cos I have a job already.. so no sense of urgency!

2/ to my best pal in army. Long time nv keep in touch w him. BUt i guess he is bz cos tok less than 5mins. I just told him another army fren getting married on 2nd June and he is invited. Yah and surprised he has broken up w his gf of 4yrs for 6mths liao. SHIT.. I dun even know that till today.. Hmm losing touch w many frens..

3/ to JOAN! Haha bought a calling card and tried! Well actually haha like everyday also c her online... ANYWAY BUCK UP JOAN and make more frens!

OK time to send one application before I hit my bed!

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