Thursday, February 01, 2007

Too many things...

I got too many things that i want to blog... First let me begin with the sad one.

On Wed morning on my way to work, I read in the papers and found out that 许玮伦 died from an accident on the 28th in hospital. If any1 doesnt know who is 许玮伦, let me give a brief introduction. She is an actress in taiwan. When I read the news, it was like very sudden and really shocked me. I know that everyday there are ppl who died on the road. But maybe cos she is an actress and I nv really expected such a thing. I am not her fans but she was in papers mostly for her rurmoured relationships. When I first read the headlines I was very very very shocked... suddenly remindered me life is full of unexpecteds.. and it is very very fragile.. suddenly got a huge wave of sadness 涌上心头。。。 Correct chinese words?

Next, today went for appraisal interview. Is it the right term to use? Anyway, quite sianz.. My bosses tell me the score then I "orh orh orh". Very fast finished. She ask me any qns... "No."
Then they begin to tok and tok and tok.. Aiyah I thought would be chop chop and over.. in the end still last abt an hr!

And lastly, Vietnam trip is good! Haha my first time taking a plane! Any1 gg anywhere else can jio me! I want to travel more!

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