Monday, November 27, 2006


OK i am gg to embark on another complain post...

"pls inform 1hr in advance if u are not gg"
Hey man it is not I nv inform ok? What I keep ppl guessing?

AND YES I CANNOT estimate the time I need to complete the task.
How I know the 3rd rev of testprog still cannot pass??
If I one time test can pass then it will be chop chop lor..
The thing is it is not just failing.. BUT failing one specfic test at one of the test site!!!!!
So I must make sure it is not due to hardware problems mah..

AND YES I told him I very high chance cant make it lor.... at ONE HOUR in advance!!!
kns... IT IS YOU who he cannot contact!
SO in the end become my problem my fault my wrong...


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