Monday, August 28, 2006


Sometimes really feel very tired. Maybe is the ppl I working with? Have to work with one prob kid.. with many many funny ideas. And he wants everything his way. Thursday was super pissed off! He said he going to modifiy some jumper wires then coming back to test again.
So i waited for him to come back.. 7-9pm still no sight of him! Call him but no one picks up...

Maybe I was affected by the news my friend quitted. Coupled with the bad mood, I was wondering what am I staying for?? Sense of lost...

Friday stayed till 9pm again! Although planned to go tennis with friends, I was not really pissed off. Cos I was doign my own work and at least I felt I accomplished something.

Today my superior say I was like quite losted last wk w/o my senior engineer ard. =X
There was this product to ship back for evaluation. Aiyah I asked the prob kid lor... He said he nv do b4.. How I know what to do? Super low morale... And I though I did quite OK and tried my best to get everything up and running. Maybe I am pissed that what I was trying to do was not appreciated.

Went lunch w a group including my superior. I was super sianz to talk much. Just kept mum during the lunch. I don't know. Maybe tired. Maybe the ppl I don't know them well. Maybe I ASAP. Maybe I pissed. I just don't like to make those small talks. Maybe there is a person I don't have a good impression there. Well.. maybe felt tired and fake.

Hey I was asked to go to a place that is renovating when I first went in. The conditions were bad. I trying hard to stay positive and to learn!! I not like the other new guys got office to put their things. Sometimes using computer also got chased away.

Haiz maybe not good mood. Really hate to think too much... What am I staying for? I think $ bah? After bonus, must really get my directions for my next destination!


Anonymous said...

Money cannot buy u everything. but without money, you are a dead man :)

must really sit down one fine day and weigh ur options liao lor! good luck wor!

b00ng said...

Haha yeah~ Can see I trying to end the blog on a high note bo?

Anonymous said...

haha can.. so that u don sound too whiny izzit :P

Anonymous said...
