Sunday, May 07, 2006


HMMmmm.. quite some time from my last post. Well exams over. So moving to new phase of life - working life. Well like my fren said this is like a very different phase. Back then u just continue to study and then it is like sort of routine path: kindergarten-> primary sch -> sec sch ->jc-> uni

Nothing much to post of my mundane life. =) Haha added a pet here a few days ago.. on the left we have b00ngy!!

Read from joan blog... seems quite interesting. Haha shit seems like i always like to copy from others.. lol

1) "When we toss a coin, there is no way to control the next outcome. However, by the law of large numbers, the chance of getting a head is fixed at 50-50, no matter how hard we try. Luck in life is like tossing a coin." Do you think this analogy is sound?

2) "Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people." (George Bernard Shaw). Define "unreasonableness" and "progress" and assess whether the argument applies to art.

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