Friday, March 24, 2006


a)egg yolk is white
b)egg yolks are white
which is correct?

A and C, who is taller?

If you can arrange 2 3 5 + = into an eqn 2+3=5, can you arrange 2 3 4 5 + = into an equation? You can only use once for all the numbers and signs.


allets said...

1) egg yolk is yellow

2) A and C same height. times new roman font 12. (-,-)"

3) 3+4=2+5

Am i too free or wad...

Anonymous said...

hey no lor...
onli qn1 is correct!!!
qn3 states that can use each symbol or number ONCE!

Anonymous said...

A is taller
qn3 i dunno... i stupid

Anonymous said...

know ans liao.. leng3 dao~~~~~~~~~