Wednesday, December 09, 2009

Stan Chart Marathon After Thoughts

Managed to complete the marathon in 5:30, slightly better timing than the last, but did not feel sense of accomplishment this time round.. In fact, I was quite unhappy. Maybe I know that I could have done much better with slightly more training. I guess my unhappiness is also partially due the article in Straits Times on Saturday, "Plodders have place in marathons" by Jeanette Wang.

In this article, she wrote that everyone should be given the chance to complete a marathon no matter how slow they might be. However, one thing that she irks: people taking part in marathon and not training for it. I am guilty of taking things too lightly. Ha I only did my regular 5km run but expected myself to complete the 42km with ease.

The real marathon starts after the 30km mark. And I failed badly... walked the last 10km for close to 2hrs! Totally cramped. Once I tried to jog, leg cramped! From the runpix statistics, "Over the Final 10km You passed 74 runners And 722 passed you". o.0 Who are the 74? =.= I guess I have been taking for granted that I can complete the run easily.

This shall remind that I must train for the next marathon that I participate.
Target timing will be 4:30.

Ambitious target but I believe it is achievable if I put in effort to train!