Wednesday, October 22, 2008

羅志祥 KTV - 好朋友


Hmm I didnt know this line is from some author 橘子.. and she wrote many books lor... But all those love love thingy..

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Birthday Thoughts

First a happy birthday to myself! SHUCKS.. getting nearer to 30 liao!

Just back from a morning run. Looking at the people dressed up nicely in shirts and pants, rushing off to work, made me felt out of place. They looked so mature while I think I am unsettled, playful and have no really heavy responsibilities. I just feel that I am not my age yet. But then my friends are getting married one by one, taking on the challenges of sharing their lives with another person, and the financial responsibilities of flat and living expenses! Really can't imagine myself doing that still... Ha I think I am still rather immature and a kid bah...

Thursday, October 09, 2008


Finally back to sg!
To be frank, quite a bit missing home.. maybe cos tired of London already. Been to most of the tourist attractions.. Maybe if extending the trip to france might be different. But then again, time and $ is always a constraint~

The one thing I like is the weather! Provided it doesnt rain~!! The weather is so cooling.. till it becomes cold when the wind blows. But then walking ard is literally NO SWEAT! This is quite a change for me as I perspire too much and too easily.

Looking forward to having a chance to backpack in europe! *dunno when that will be.. or ever will there be* o.0