Sunday, January 13, 2008


What the heck!?!?
Super attitude leh! A few words then u exploded!
Please dun bring your frustration to vent! Made every1 pissed~!
Can say other people but cannot see yourself!
Please look into the mirror!!

Friday, January 11, 2008


Cold. Take care still!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Wah laoz.. today made my colleague to go extra trip!
Forgot to bring the keys when I gg to site with the other 2 colleagues!
Ended up have to drive up. And one of the guy is supposed to be on half day!
Because of this delay.. he ended up working full day! So paiseh!
Wah lao damn kok lor.. minus pts!

Haha I think I was too yaya! Cos i reminded myself must rem to bring the cable to connect equipment to laptop! Haha was feelng so pleased with myself then reach site forgot the key!! *faints*

To make matter worse, supposed to do some tougch up ytd.. BUT I nv do.. so the senior engineer ended up doing it himself! Shucks minus pts lor!

Saturday, January 05, 2008

Unpredictable Life

Life is unpredictable!
Treasure each and everyday!