Tuesday, June 26, 2007


1/ The rungs of a 10 foot ladder attached to a ship are 1 foot apart. If the water is rising at the rate of one foot an hour, how long will it take until the water covers over the ladder?

2/ How does a dog stop a VCR ?

3/ What is so fragile that when you say its name you break it?

4/ Until I am measured, I am not known. Yet how you miss me, When I have flown.

5/ At noon and midnight the hour and minute hands are exactly coincident with each other. How many other times between noon and midnight do the hour and minute hands cross?


《格林童话》里有一则童话叫“牧童”,故事里的牧童对一切问题都能聪明的回答。 国王知道了,就着人把牧童叫来。国王向牧童提出三个问题。 其中一个问题是:“天上有多少星星?”牧童要了一张白纸, 用钢笔在上面点了好多小点子,密得几乎看不清楚,根本没法子数。 然后他说:“天上的星星和纸上的点子一样多,你们去数吧!”

我 们永远不知道天上有多少颗星星。 如果今天还有一个男人说:“我愿意为你做任何事,包括把天上的星星摘下来给你。” 我们大概会笑得流下眼泪。这么过时和肉麻的誓言,还有谁要相信? 在一片辽阔的夜空下看星的时候,旁边最好坐着一个不多言的男人。 永恒在前,人世间的承诺就显得太渺小了。

天上的星星永远数不尽,我们想要的东西比星星一样多,岂能尽如人意? 下一次,当你很努力想得到一个人或一样东西而得不到的时候,不必失望。 生命里那些失望的时刻,就像天上的星星那样多。

有人说星星是死去的人的眼睛在天上闪亮, 我宁愿相信星星是逝去的爱情、是刻骨铭心的情人、 是每一次的微笑和失望、是情人之间的亲密作爱。 我有一位朋友每次跟男朋友睡觉之后都在那天的日记上画一颗星星。

Monday, June 25, 2007

爱很简单 - 葱头 version

Quite some time no post.. just found this nice clip.. haha good luck to the guy!

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Really losted..

Suddenly felt so aimless.. this wkend is so lousy feel..
is it just that suddenly everything comes at the same time?
or maybe cos I am sick.. and it adds to the aimless and lost?

No ideas...


just need some time to rest and feel down bah.. tmrw WILL be OK! ^^