Sunday, February 26, 2006


SHUCKS!!! Spend one day but still cannot get the results I want...
Haiz thought it would be a relatively easy task...

Free Ebook! But I DUN think i will really go read a book on computer screen. Too tiring. Haha which reminds me that Harry Potter bk 1 is still on my table! Hmmm...

saya ada ujian bahasa melayu pada hari isnin!!! saya belum belajar!
ashita ganbatte! oyasuminasai

Thursday, February 23, 2006


Found this link from one of the youtube clip on a gay story in sg... the youtube link is down but this link have the song... think the song "Beautiful" is quite nice... =)

Yah found another link tt can find songs!

Think 100% effort is still not enough... must tahan for 9 more weeks!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How To Do What You Love

Read this article on a link from another blog... haha very long article but quite nice! Got lots of other essays in this site oso! haha but no time to read them now.... sianz.. think time to go home! haha..

Thursday, February 02, 2006



if a picture paints a thousand words,
then why cant i paint you.
The words will never show,
the you i've come to know

If a face can launch a thousand ships,
then where am i to go?
there's no one home but you
you're all thats left me to.

and when i look for life its running dry,
you come and pour yourself for me

if a man can be two places at one time i'd be with you
tomorrow and today
beside you all the way

if the world should stop with all things spinning
slowly down to die
i'd spend the end with you
and when the earth was through

then one by one
the stars will all go down
then you and i
would simply fly alway (fade to end)